
Progress at the Auto Compound

Before brand new vehicles get on a truck to the dealer, they are often  processed through an auto compound or distribution facility.  Hansen’s Forwarding’s sister company, Hansen’s Releasing operates 5 of these auto compounds in Canada, partnering with both Canadian Pacific Railway and Southern Railway of British Columbia.

Working at an auto compound is a Car Lover’s dream.  We see the new models before most others.  Our teams get to play an important part in the Global Automotive Supply Chain and work with automotive industry professionals from all over the world.

Auto compounds are very dynamic.  They are in constant change and movement as product arrives and is shipped, especially in peak months.  We use best practices from all of our compounds to lead the way to new industry standards.

Handling more than 500,000 vehicles annually is a delicate balance of fluidity and care.  Quality and damage-free handling is priority on the minds of our professional automotive handlers each and every day.

Our information systems provide us with the most up to the minute inventory details.  Handheld computers in the field reduces paper by more than 75%

In conjunction with our sister company, Hansen’s Releasing is the first compound operator in Canada to introduce electronic gate exits between car carrier and auto compound.  Further reducing the paper handling and streamlining the data captured at the time the vehicle leave the facility.

Investment in continued training programs for our team ensures new opportunities and career growth for our staff.  Improved quality of life for our employees is important.