
Hansen’s Branch Spotlight - Calgary

Calgary Office Team 05292014

Hansen’s catches up with Calgary

Hansen’s has 7 locations across Canada, including a branch in Calgary Alberta. We caught up with the Calgary staff to discuss the shipping industry, what’s in the works, and what we have to look forward to in the near future.

What’s the best part about servicing your community in Calgary?

We have the opportunity to be the ambassadors for the "newly relocated", as well to build strong business relationships.

What do you enjoy about the shipping / relocation industry?

It is never the same day twice, new people new circumstances and new challenges.

Where do you see car shipping and vehicle relocation going in the next 10 years?

We see it growing with more and more relocation's as well as opportunities to obtain and maintain new contracts.

What’s your fast growing service / route?

Alberta Dealer Trades

What new and exciting changes do you have planning for the coming future?

Growth, new handhelds for our drivers, and the new Customer Portal system.

What new technologies are adding value to your customer relationship?

The introduction of TMS, and Handhelds has made us a more efficient company from tracking right through to reporting.

What’s your favorite feel-good shipping story this year?

It is our goal to create a feel good situation for all Customers orders/moves. However we did offer free shipping to a local Dealer when we experienced the flooding in 2013.

How will you give back to the community this year?

We continue to recycle within the office and are planning a canned food drive for the local Food Bank.